We R Memory Keepers Typecast Typewriter Review and Projects
Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by today. I wanted to share a quick post on the new(ish) We R Memory Keepers Typecast Typewriter. I shared a photo of this little beauty on my Instagram a couple of weeks back, and several asked about a review. So I'm going to share my thoughts and a few projects with you today.
I have to admit, when I first saw this in my local Michael’s store, I was just itching to buy it. But I managed to hold off…for a while. Recently, they released this new mint color and I’m so glad I waited to buy. I adore this color. It’s available in other colors, which I’ve linked below.
I had a vintage typewriter in my craft room before. I was an adorable decorative element. But I really wished that it worked. I had all kinds of ideas for projects featuring some typed elements. Then came along the Typecast Typewriter. Vintage look. Vintage feel. Fully functional. Perfection.
When you open your WRMK Typecast Typewriter, you’ll need to remove a few pieces that are placed prior to shipping to prevent damage. Here’s a link to the We R Memory Keepers video tutorial showing you exactly how to do that.
This Typewriter is so beautiful but is also functional. It is designed with not only a vintage look, but with the true feel and function of a vintage typewriter. It requires no electricity. And it functions just like a vintage typewriter. It requires quite a bit of pressure to depress the keys to type….just like a vintage typewriter. I find myself often using my pointer fingers while typing to get enough pressure to depress the keys. I’ll share more about this with you in the video tutorial below.
The typewriter itself feels very sturdy. Since it has that vintage design, I imagine that there are very few chances for malfunction with a machine like this. I love that I feel like this will last and function properly for a long time.
The quality of the type is much like what you would find with a vintage typewriter. It has a feel of imperfection. This isn't a computer printout. This types just like a vintage typewriter.
I've created a few projects featuring the Typecast Typewriter. I'll walk you through the basics of those in the video tutorial below.
I've combined various typed elements, along with patterned papers from the Typecast collection to create some fun cards with a vintage flair.
I wanted to give you a closer look at each of these projects, so you could really get a feel for the fun vintage ephemera feel captured by the Typecast paper and embellishment collection from We R Memory Keepers.
I love the rose gold foil accents found on many of the journaling cards, tags and papers in the Typecast collection.
There's also a fun wax seal kit. I've used that kit to create a fun embellishment for this card.
There are lots of wood accented elements as well. I especially love this woodgrain patterned paper with rose gold foil accents. This is from the 12x12 paper pad.
The light teal green colors combined with the various ledger prints reminds me of true vintage office supplies...like the bookkeeping forms my grandma used.
These elements are easy to combine and layer to make fun card projects.
Don't forget to check out the video tutorial below. I'll talk you through this beautiful machine and through the various card projects I've created.
I'm sure I'll find tons of uses for this in my craft room. From supporting sentiments on cards, to greeting on tags and favors, and maybe even in a scrapbook layout or two (when I finally get around to that).
Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you've enjoyed this look at the We R Memory Keepers Typecast Typewriter. I love having this in my craft room for both form and function. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. What's your favorite color? Is it going on your Christmas wish list? Let me know in the comments below.
Until next time, I hop you have a fabulous day!

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